The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California (2024)

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The Sacramento Beei

Sacramento, California

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PAGE TWENTY-SUE THE SACRAMENTO BEE THURSDAY APRIL 7 127 SIXTH REGIMENT JRKJ Ship Owners Hit By Prohibition Law Urge Role Against British nc hadimcq net NEW YORK BONDS mm mam High Grade Rails Feature Stocks Southern Pacific Hits A New High SLOW UP DURING CONSOLIDATION ui mmuulu un FOR CHINA FRONT righting Sea Soldiers Leave San Diego With Band Play iag Crowd Cheering Issues Of A Secondary Nature NEW YORK April Continuation ot a heavy Investment demand Imparted strength to the high grade rails and industrials in to-days stock market which was featured by the establishment of the highest QAN FRANCISCO April 7 (The Bee Southern Pacific ad-O vanced to a new high at 114 on the San Francisco Stock and Bond prices in over twenty years by New York central ana am-! Again Receive Most Of 1 Traders Attention NEW YORK April The 'WASHINGTON April UP) The supreme court was to-day asked to declare unconstitutional the treaty with Great Britain under wnlch vessels are permitted (to bring intoxicating liquors into American ports under seat John MUllken the Neptune Association of Masters and Mates of American Vessels and Alex Smith insisting that the enforcement Of the treaty was diminishing their prospects of earning a livelihood as American ship owner and seamen asked the court to review the decision of the federal courts at New York C'ty dismissing their" complaint without passing upon the constitutionality of the treaty Exchange to-day Caterpillar Tractor was firm at 2914 Oils were quiet and steady Union Oil held at 43 Standard at 56 Phillips at 47 Pacific Telephone common advanced to 131 Bancltaly rights de phone The ret of the l'st preseniea consiaeraum irnsm-ij weak spots cropping out in a number of motion picture electrical re- frlgeratton sugar and tobacco shares it Th inino man Irreiriiiar Tlnhteninsr of the call money rate to "a bond market tp-day showed further signs of marking timep ending a XT 8 WEATHER BUREAU 8acramsnto Calif April 7 192T Poat Office Bulldlna Phone 1129 Forecast until 6 Friday: KOR SACRAMENTO AND LOWKR SACRAMENTO VALLEY Fair and mild to-nlht and Frldny FOR NORTHERN CALIFORNIA: Fair and mild to-nlarht and Friday Weather Conditions The storm noted yesterday off the coast of WasblriKton has moved Inland Into Canada eauelnn rain over the North Pa'fJo atutes and In parts of Montana Haln alao has fallen over tha lower Missouri Valley ana the Southwest and rain or "now has been reported front tha Northeast Temperatures have fallen over tha Plateau re- flons and this mornlne are below tlrt reesinr point throughout Nevada Tha weather In this section will ha renarally fair during: the next thlriy-slx hours with llxht variable winds mostly northsrly Shipments (tolna east during the next two days should be protected against temperatures of about 80 deurees while osseins across the mountains and through Nevada TAYLOR Tempwinture (Taken at I A 76th Meridian Time! clined to $230 i per cent caused a selling flurry In the late afternoon which lowered a consolidation of recent gains Issues of a secondary nature again BONDS Bid Ask Bid receivea me greater attention Erie convertible 4s were Ask tost Alk 104 Key sys Bat 70 number of shares 1 to 2 points especially unuea oiaies oveei motors before support appeared In the final dealings strong buying was again evidenced In many shares notably New Haven Total sales approximated 2300000 shares TO-DAY'S QUOTATIONS These quotations received over A A Houseman private wires Bid Par Ina 71 81 Par Ino IVi SI 101 bought In considerable volume and LA 48 104 A 47 101 LA A (JAB A I 10 Par loo IU 41 104' 105V Atchison General 4s were in moderate demand Profit taking developed in Southern Paclfio convert 1061 101 a a ut I so 3 Lt A Pw 10J 10J i URtl 1838 85 4 Mkt 8t Ry 7 97 7 Mlllr A Lux 6 97V by Borkc Company 1117 Math Street Sacramento 9 LAP 104 iHighlLow iClosei 8 LikP 104 Low Close officers and men under command SAN DIEGO (Cal) April (United Press) 'With th regtmental band playing the Star an Stripe Forever and 1600 marines hanging-over every rail and peering through every porthole the 3 Hender son sailed lor Shanghai at 8:41 A to-day Several thousand- people crowded the docks to witness the departure of the transport which Is bearing the FlghtlDK Sixth Regiment of ma-rinesto duty In the Chinese trouble lone Rub to Dork Hundreds arriving late fan several blocks to the dook when they aw the transport pulling out ear Her than was generally expected Streets along the waterfront were crowded with automobiles Loading of the huge transport was completed yesterday afternoon at which time the last unit of the Sixth Regiment was marched aboard Minor repairs to the engines and last minute inspection held the transport In' port overnight Cramr4 For Spare SJ A8L Rv A II Assoc Oil 6 102 102 54 Amer Kactra 7 102 Balfour Bids 6 Ba Co Pwr 100 al El Oen 6 A loo Cal 0bi Oea 101 4 "Itr aileo 101 -Itv Invest I 101 Coast A I 101) Cai-O Pf 6 io a Wi uti to Ears Coo Coo 7 8 100 Gen Pel 100 Ho TT Sdm 100 LA GdiC ti 84 101 Insur Exch Infl Nickel I 44 42 44 Nato ot Cal a9 (IH Orphm TAR 6 10JU Of Colonel Harold Snyder Infl Tel Tel135184135 ible 4s' Industrial and public utility liens were extremely quiet Foreign Issues were Inclined to heaviness and United States Government bonds were Inactive Upon reaching Shanghai the Sixth Regiment will serve under Jordan Motors 17 17 171 j-aa ri ny a vsvfr Vao CAE 6 108 Pro USE A 1 lOUla 110 Pao GAS II 41 100 Pa TAT Kef 6 102 manest iowesi ireoin Co Br I 111 Sparry Kir 6 7 7 Spur Val Wai '4 100 Un OI of Oil I 101 Un Oil of Cal 101 On OH Con 104 la' Wrn Pac HR 9Vi last 24 yester- last 68 67 19 19 Brigadier General Smedley Butler' Kansas City So Kelly-Spgfld Tire 57 T4 19 62 hours nay num The new $30000000 Jugo-Slavla rar ina i lot 62) 62 BRITISH FLEE Par Ino 1 tit Kcnnecott Copper Lehigh Valley 120117119 I per cent bonds were prbmptly over-subscribed SHANGHAI April 7 The STOCKS I Loew's Inc Lorlllard British consuls and the remainder of the British communities' at Bid Ask Bid Ask Para Ino com 180 131 Metal Market Mack Truck Pao TAT com 129 180 Chungking Ichang Cbanfcsha and Changllng have been removed to Ask 361 8s0 220 10 571 55 55 27 27 27 106 6S 68 68 48 47 VS I 48 7 7 7 i 15 15 Vil 1SV4 Bid Alas Pkr Assn ITS Amer Bank 867 Ann Cal Trust 870 Ana Nl 115 Ar A Co A CO 10 May Dept Stores NEW YORK April easy electrolytlo spot and fu Marland Oil Hawaii plnepl 49 61 Halk FAP Pfd 33 28 Hawan Sugar 4L Him FAM Ina 30 81 Hankow Plumps pet 47 Plgg Wig A 30 Plan Whls pfd 16 Pioneer Mill 264 Rchfd Con Oil II 18 F-Sae RR pf 12 20 Mexican Seaboard AJax Rubber 11 llttl 11 A I Chem Dye142 1401404 Allis-Chalmers 1 99 HI I 98 Am Bosch Mag I 15 15 15 American Can 45 44 45 Am Car Fdry103 103 103 Am Locom '1110 10910 Am Steel Fdry 44 Vi I 44 44 Am Sugnr Ref 83 3 I 83 Am Smelt Ref145144144 Am Tel Tel 172'169 171 Am Tobacco 12G126 128 Am Water Works 78 77H 78 Amer Woolen 19 19 Val ISV1 Anaconda Copper 46 46 Vi 46Vi Assoo Dry Goods 42 41 41 Armour VA" I 11I 10 10 Atch Top 8 F179177178 Atlantic Befg 111111111 Baldwin Locom 189187 187 Bait It RI116 114115Vi Bethlehem Steel 66 65 65Va Brlggs Mfg I 32 32V4I 82 Cal Packing I 63 62 62 Calif Pete I 27 26741 2674 JAPANESE REIJfFOBCBD Humbldt Bnk 850 400 Hon Oil 110 30 8 a Fsao kh co 17 TOKIO April Press) Boiton 64 42 Buffalo 4 010 Chicago 32 Danvfr 70 44 Rureka 57 40 004 Freano 70 Helena 8i Kanaai City 74 018 Tos Angelas OS 63 New Orleans S2 04 New York 03 4S 001 Oklahoma City 74 I 108 Phoenix Plttabursh (1 12 004 Portland Ore 60 40 Ot2 Red Bluff (8 4 4 001 Renn SACRAMENTO 05 44 Bt Louis 72 48 8t Paul 40 Halt Lake City 0 42 San Rleiro 00 San Franclaco 00 4 8 Seattle 48 30 0C4 Tonopah 00 30 WaahlnKlon 08 40 Wlnnemucca 00 80 tures 13 uo Tin easy spot and nearby 6037 June 6725 Iron steady unchanged Lead steady spot 725 Miami Copper Mld-Cont Pet'm Mo Kan Tex Missouri Pacific 9J 14 pf 7 Ht Pk A CO 24 25 I 33 82 33 I 46 44l 45 I 57 55 67 '4 Hutch 8gr Pin 14 14 8 up or pr 107 iv Five hundred Japanese marines will leave the Kure naval base soon for LlaP com 16 III Pac Olas A S3 31 By Tr pr pf 27 Six De Havihtnd planes destined for service with the regiment had to be left behind because of laok of room Every available foot of schlegr via svvt Missouri Pao Pfd Shanghai It was officially an Zinc steady East St Louis spot Srhlsgr A oom 20 Ky sya Trn pr 6 is Montgomery-Ward I 63 I 64 63 nouneed to-day The reinforcements Ar ft Co oom out Baltuur Kta 0H Bnucltalv Corn 110 110 Bk of Cal A its 164 Bank ot Italy 680 686' Cal Her 9 1 104 Calif Copper 100 4 60 Cal Cot Mis co 10 Calam Bur pfd 61 83 Calam Ssr cdn Calif Copper 116 160 Cal-Or Pwr of loa Cul Pack Com 63 63 Cal Pet com 264 87 at Tractor 20 19 Crokr 1st Nat 11 Wat 'B r( 110 114 angdrf Bakg 12 12 Sh Un Oil com 27 zs gher Civ nfd 9 ana futures 650 Antimony spot IS 00 Motor Meter 33 33 331 Maanavox Co 40a 60c will be aboard the cruiser Yahagi deck space was used up and there wdb nst aam In that a er fetlsla Sothn Pacific 118 Magnin I com 18 18 Mt St Ry pr pr 411 47 Nat of Cal pfd lo Sprry Fir com 44 4S Spg Val Wat 103 103 when the time' for loading the Nash Motors 64 63 62 Nat Cash Reg 43 43 43 Nevada Consol 14 V4 1 I 14 Central 150148148 Airplanes have been used for sow lng rice over marsh lands In Man I Call Money Nor Am lnv pf 94 96 Rtn OH of Cftl 66 it planes came Nor Amer on 38 38 Stn Oil ofN 80 Tele lnv Corp 17 NEW YORK April Call The ijeglment 1 composed of 1580 wild fowl' bahu Sugar 86 money firmer high 4 low 4 rul North Amer Co Tex cons 011 400 boo Trni La A Ih 20 Emporium Cor S4 86 man Hugar 10 Onomea Sugar 41 l'aaun Sgr Pin 11 12 ing rate 4 closing bid 4 Time 65 52 5i 47l 46 47 87 86 87 33 HI 32 32 42 45 Northern Paclfio Pa GB 1st pf 26 254 Canada Dry 45 45 45 6Vi 6 IS0 Local Humidity Data Yesterday Dry bulb Relative ther- Wet humidity monieter bulb percent A 40 411 tin Bk A Trst 186 Un Oil Assoc 42 43 Un Oil of Cal 43 43 Petrolaum 175 190 Un Sgr com 1 1 Pac Gas Elec Pac CAB com 82 13 loans steady mixed collateral 60-90 days 4 4-6 months 4 prime mercantile paper 4 0 Packard Motors I 3 5 I 35 35V4 10 10 10 10 swt Plantn Faal Mots nfd fa*gl Mots com Fed Brandels Fed Brokers Fed Tela Co Flrem Fnd Ins Fos Kir com pioneer Mill 26 Para Inc com 116 111 Paaun Sgr Pin 11 Case Threshing 167 165 166 Cerro de Pasco 62Vi 6l 62 Chesa Ohio 1168 165I168 St Ry 16l 15V4I 16 Noon 41 66 74 14 90 tl 63 66 8 Pao com 32 82 Pan Amn Pete 1 60 58 6974 Penna Ry 61741 61 61 Phillips Pefm 48 47 4774 12 Pao lt 6 mil 87 Frn i Amer Bk 2R0 Pac lt 6 pfd 97 9TH New Subdivision Opens Sacramento 1ratnasa Baain Hlaht ('hnnire Halnfnll In laxt 24 lHBt 24 Postum 9574 91 94 Unlv Con OH 11" 12 wala Agr Ltd 19 39 WF Bk A Tr 267 Am Fin pfd 9 WCI Insur 176 426 wn Dry Prd A 49 Wt Co Oil' Dfd 400 Yel A Chr Cab 8 9 Zellerhaeh Cor 30 80 lal Yc 94 Vi 93 93 Chile Copper I 36 36 86 Coca Cola 196195195 3t YVn Pwr of 103 10S Hale Bros 83 34 Hulk free Tpf hnun hotira Radio Corp 44 43 I 44 Reading 112 110110 Pacltic oil 112 Pao Lt Cor co 825 Trts Wi 10 11 Pao TAT pM 105 Pac TAT com 130 In East Sacramento New development opened in the nennem 03 Red Bluff 99 10 01 Hak FAP pool 9 Ha Com A Sgr 48 49 Colorado Iron 75 72 73 Columbia Gas 88 87 88 Jnhn Rep I Steel 72 70V4I 70 St Louis 114113 1134 05 Saint ifonro East Sacramento residential dis roevllla Consol Cigar 78 77 77 trict of the city this morning when 08P 10F 01K OIK 07P 07F 10F 06F fnnanlldated Gasl 98 98 Coluaa Knlghta Landing Orovllla POULTRY PRICES dAN FRANCISCO April -There to 203 171 75 ft 0 14 0 246 FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK April For Sears-Roebuck 5574 55 V4 1 65 Shell Union 28 28 28 Sinclair Oil 17 17 17 Southern Paclfio 114113 113 Southern Railway 125123124 Cont Baking 47 431 44 Continental Can I 631 61 I 61V Maryavllls Nlcoiaus Wright Klmbrough Sacramento realty firm placed on sale Its newest subdivision known as Wright Kimbrough Tract No 33 It comprises land between and I Corn Products 58 Val 55 6774 SACRAMENTO elzn pirhansn Irreuular rOYNTKV UNIT I'AK TO-nAV Crucible Steel 92 91 91 was little change In the live poultry market to-day -with exception of large colored hens which were lc per pound lower Young: Leg-horn Stand Oil of Calif E5 55 65 round 45 $465 5-10 Rainfall lnce Tulv 1 1 TTI Inrhea Knglmlil Cuban-Am Sugar 23 23 23 Normal unce July 1520 1748 Inches Streets and Is intersected by Forty- Stand Oil of 7f 37 I 36 87 -Stand Oil of YI 31 30 81 Cuba Sugar Pfd 40 40 40 Cudahy Packing 47 46 46 Snow Tn Th Mnnnfalna fifth and Forty-sixth Streets Stewart-Warner 68 57 57 74 chickens were In moderate supply and the market was reasonably Snow on ground at Summit 141 Inches A Gallaway Jr of the real Chrvsler I 41 40 41 Studebaker I 56 65 66 mno Jio SH1MC Mre lOSo 41K'4o Frsno IB80 Rrlchm'k 3HHO (iulliler 40JO R97He Kronen 6o Mtr Kriinen 2flXc I 7(1 Vic Kronen 2(180 26610 11400 4231 Mc 10010 16-10 Del Hudson 196il94195 rratire Ituly Belgium tienwany Holland Norway Sweden Ueiinntrk I'olnnd Argentina Montreal Texas Corp I 47l 47 47 steady POULTRY BROILERS Leahorns 1 to Hi Tobacco Products 100 90100 estate firm reported that twenty-five lots in the new subdivision were sold during the first few hours the tract was on sale There Chicago Livestock CHICAGO April 7 UP) United Dodge Common 20 20l 20 Dodge Preferred I 77 Vi I 76i 76 Transcont OH 4 3 8 74 lbs 2729c 114 to 14 lbs 3029o Dunont 1234 220232 Statts Department of Asrlculture) United Drug 170167 Looking ahead into the Gas Industry Experienced investors who judge the in- vestment strength of an industry on its past performance are strengthening their Holdings with sound gas securities Gas is a clean economical indispensable source of heat and power Since 1906 the natural gas industry has more than trebled in size and no gas company has ever had to refund its bonds at maturity by issuing new convincing proof of strong earning powa Selected gas securities are sound invest-ments -( WI RECOMMEND To yield 1 Rio Grande Valley Gas Co First Mortgage 7 Gold Bonds DUE 1937 are 241 lots in the subdivision Leghorns 2 lbs 31 Cattld Receipts 11000: fed Electric Refrlg 25 23 23 Kris I 68 64 169 218 75i" 63 US Cast Iron Plpe218 21V US Indus Alcoholl 76 75 LIBERTY BOND PRICES steera generally steady other killing classes steady to strong veal Fms riyrs-Lasky1108 105108 US Rubber 64 63 32c 2'i to 2V4 lb'- 81038c col ored 3S40c YOUNU ROOSTERS AND PUL Colored 8 and 1H lbs Zid 'Sportsmen Are Invited Flak Tiro I 1SHI 18l 18 US Steel 172 170 170 74 ers 25c to 60c lower best fed Flelshmann I 54 6 4 V4 1 64 43 I 43 4 Union Oil of Calif 44 Union Paclfio 174 40c 4 lbs 4142c staggy showing steers 1350 1 ulk 10 0051260 stocktrs and feeders 8000925: 171 172 i By Conservation League The disciples of Izaak Walton and nimrods of Sacramento County Foundation Co 86 86 88 General Asphalt I 83l 82 83 33 spurs 28iS30c LEGHORN 24 to lbs 83 28 33 28 31 rtonoral Motors 1183 I180181 28 31 26c 8 Mi lbs 27c over I ft lbs 81 NEW YORK April Following are fo-dar'si closing prices of Libert? bonds on the New York Stock Exchange In dollars and thirty-seconds! Liberty SHs 1012) first 4 Vis 111X1 3 1 nrrond 4 Via 10014 third Vi lOlOO fourth 4Vt lpnSOt 'I'ronaiiry 4s 1CS13) do 4a 1132 (Jen Ry Signal 1116741114 115 Goodrich Rubber 66 55 56 27 fi 28c culls 16020c country demand Improved heavy medium up to 740 snappy trade on cutters and common to medium fat cows bulk vealers to packers 11001200 few at 1260 small killers 146001500 169 160 160 75 Vlvadou Warner Bros Western Pacific West Union Tel Westing Electric West Air Brake White Motors Willys-Overland LARGE COLORED Ranch 74 74 Oranbv Copper I 36 85 85 31f)32c eastern 153 CSt Northern Pretl 87 741 87 87 154153 61 50 Young- dressed Gt West Sugar 113112 1113 5074 22 Hogs Receipts 37000 clow 20032c 23 21 Tlnwn Sound 38 38 8 nave Deen extenaea an invitation to attend an open meeting of the Sacramento Branch of the California Conservation League to be held at 8 o'cloclt to-night in the chamber of commerce auditorium This is the first meeting of the league to be held this year Matters of importance to those interested in hunting and fishing will be discussed Butler president will be In charge Young" dressed Hudson Motors I 73 70 71 shipping demand very narrow light hogs 26o lower butchers 10c 350370 San Francisco Livestock Hnnn Motors I 21V4I 21 I 21 Woolworth 134130133' Yellow Truck 28 28 28 Youngs 95 94 94 Total sales 2334600 to loo off as compared with Wed Independent Oil I 22 22 22 BELGIAN HARE 19c heavy ow as 15c dressed 2324c heavy SAN FRANCISCO April Infl Harvester 157V4157 157 nesday average top 1170 sorted light lihts held higher bulk bet low as 20c SQUABS Fancy 52055c (Federal-State Market News Serv Ice) Hogs Receipts 180 hold overs 400 generally steady at yes T7DTTIT MADVTT ter grades of 150 to 200-pound averages 113501165 210 to 250- JACK Dressed terday's 50c decline load 165-pound luuu mnuiiLi SAN FRANCISCO April A few 250 per dosen pound butchers mostly 11001135 Callfornlns 1250 late yesterday Railroad Apprentice Youns old 200 to 300-pound kind 107001095: VEGETABLE MARKET SAN FRANCISCO April The artichoke market was weaker with supplies showing some increase to-rlnv Siinnllcs of asparagus wore 25026c dressed nominal sixteen loads choice 190 to 220 pound kind 1300 few packing sows 9500975 good These bonds are the only funded debt i Club Has Birthday OLD 800 dozen Cattle Receipts 200 generally PROVISIONS steady four cars 1040 to 1100 and choice slaughter pls scarce medium t9lSM6t kind 10701125 heavyweight lO4O0lil6 "meAlum 105501150 light 110001170 lighter and it is understood that 33c skinned 85Hc boiled picnic 2434o The Southern Paclfio Apprentice Club celebrated Its first annutal anniversary last night at Its club- Lower Rio Grande Valley The bonds are a direQ first mortgage on all physical a boned 45 Ac room at the local A Two crates of local strawbetrlea are now arriving on this market In a few Instances tha quality is fair but only ordinardy In most cases Selling prices ranged from $300 to $350: per crate of twelve baskets with few fancy bringing- slightly higher prices A slightly stronger market was reported on oranges in small to medium sizes with best stock sellln as high as $465 per box FRUIT MARKET APPLES Boxes Cal Newtowns: BACON 87042c sliced -lb light light 109001170 packing sows 9260985 slaughter pigs 106001165 cartons E2c picnics 4-6 25c features of the meDting were a report by Raymond Peek former ap LARD AND Lard per lb tierce basis 16 Ho Callfene prentice instructor on his recent study of ear construction at the cases 6 large tins ISMo It me properties and franchises Details in regard to earnings stock purchase privilege (which presents an opportunity for additional future profits) company's history will be sent on request pound Nevadas 9250935 choice dehorned 833-pound Utahs 1100 she stock steady few loads California cows 700740 good quoted 750 6tf 775 odd head low 'cutters and cutters 450500 bulls steady odd head 660 6-75 calves none choice vealers scarce quoted 1300 load 200-pound common Arlzonas 775 Sheep Receipts 200 steady truck load good lambs 1450 choice sixty-seven to seventy-pound kind quoted 1500 good wooled ewes 800 shorn 650 Pullman works in the Kast and a diub cases 15 small ltUc nhort history of the Railroad SUUAR some lots which have been arriving on the local market are now being diverted to the canneries There was considerable poor quality lettuce with prices ranging from 76c to 8125 per crate This lettuce Is said to be coming from the Fresno and Watsonvlllo districts A small shipment of New Crystal Wax and Yellow Bermuda onions were received and opening prices were from 8 to 10c per pound Tomatoes were slightly stronger and prices were 25o per lug higher Vegetable Market ARTICHOKES 8100225 lug Sheep Receipts 14000 very slow early trading confined to a few lower grade lambs weak to unevenly lower odd bunches of choice ewes 25c higher 150-pound wooled ewes 1100 bulk better grades fat lambs held fully steady early bids around 25c lower A movement and sketch of the Cane granulated base 85 85 per Fancy grade 4-tler $1600175 3-tier $175(200 common storage local program for the coming year 100 pounds beet granulated 8575 $180 Northwestern Newtowns tx- by Demand secretary or thi local branch of the Railroad A GRAIN MARKET 4 4 tra fancy $2000225 fancy $171 200 Rome Beauties $210 Sf 260 WInesaps extra fancy Real Estate Transfers SAN FRANCISCO April Trad lng in grain bags Is active while fancy- 300 Arkansas Blacks- extra fancy $225 (S 250 AVOCADOS Per dosen medium tn lnrBA 14 nntfilK 01)! few 1550 $500650 crate small frosted and Wednesday Aorll 6 1S27 trading In spots ana futures on poor 33O060O Freeman Smith Camp Co TsucpMONt eeueui mi CROCK! IBT NATIONAL ANK LDOAN FRANCISCO BHMMiBMesa AMERICAN RANK LD4 OAKLAND J07 STARK TREET PORTLAND grains is slow GRAIN 6 ID poorer Ho lb graded 10c green Feed mill Pyramid 6ffl8o lb poorer Cash Gram CHICAGO April Wheat No 2 red 182H No 2 hard 136 Corn No 3 mixed 72 No 2 yellow 73 75 Oats No 2 white 47V4 No 3 white 431485J Rye No 3 100V4 Barley 65fl84 Timothy seed 450Q525 Clover seed 2925 6 3600 4) 4 InK lb Feed 147H per American Mining Man Is Murdered In Mexico NOOALES (Ariz) April Fred Combs 37 an American connected with ths La Dura Mining Company at La Dura Mexico was murdered Saturday while en route from Esperanza a railway station to La Dura in his automobile elated dispatches received here to-day A Chinese cook' with him also was slain the dispatch says addlufir that the murder Is attributed to Mexican bandits BEANS Texas 17c lb BUNCHED VEGETABLES Car cental shipping OATS Red fed $1650175 Corn Eastern yellow No rots turnips beets 40fi)50o dozen small i BANANAS Hawaiian Central American BERRIES Strawberries Imperial Valley 350 crate others crate GRAPEFRUIT Tulare 350 Imperial Valley large 6:25 medium $4500 500 box Arizona $425 (Q) 450 large $5000525 choice 60o less LEMONS per box radishes nominal: parsley 20033c No ot Bank 143 $1800181 No 3 (bulk) $1770 BANK CLEARINGS REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE 1 1 V4c San Diego $500550 178 California red mllo $1760185 high $576 poorer 185 HA1 April 7 1828 April 7 1027 18S8M1B8 11034S573 Best 85C081OO The hay market continues dull poorer low as DOc doz and unchanged CUCUMBER Hothouse best Wheat 1700 Tame box Oat $120001700 Wild Oat Leland Stanley Fowler to Stasia Fowler (deed February 7 Undivided interest In 11 narcela all outaldo Sacramento County: alao neraonal property Humboldt Bank truatea under trust deed 708-147 ly Warner to National Mortgage Co of California (deed Martm 30 Lot 1 block 3 North Sacramento SubUtvlalun 10 William and Frances Mabel (wlfa) Murcall to and Alice (wife) Kugltt (deed March 31 Lot 81 Rivertlda Terrace sublect to reservations Dalay Tweedy to Olen and Cle-manoa (wife) Knoll (deed March 29 14 feet of lot 170 anil 8 2635 feet of lot 177 Caslta Subdivision Jensen to Oeorge and Anita (wlfel Pnhrew (deed April 4 19271 Lot 42 Schlev Place Charlea and KHaheth (wife) Pokes to Ioulso Ilhea (deed March 22 1927) 40 Oarmlrhael Colony 2 Joseph and Amelia (wlfai Brune to Alfonso and Celentlna (wife) Senlnl (dsed April 8 to lot 6 and 14th and 15th Carlv Realty Co to A and Ceclle (wife) Person (deed April i 1927) Lot 470 Homeland Carlv and Curtis Cutter truateea to Carlv Really Co (deed Mareh 38 Lot 7 Homeland Louise and Robert (husband) Rhea to Charles and Elisabeth (wife) Dokea (deed March 22 Lot 20 Riverside Terrace Kay and Serena (wife) Brewer to John and Christina (wife) Splva 7iMed March 81 Lota 85 and 80 Camellia Heights Oeorge Uenla Sr to Mabel Louise Moellar and ftnrr John Henla Jr SALTY MOSTOAGB Cpay-as-you-Can" investment Pun Farmers and Mechanics Bank at Sacramento' California as of tbe close ot business on the 23rd day -of March 1927 RESOUBCES Commercial Sating! Combined Loans and Discounts (Including Rediscounts) 93255720 $283069812 $376325532 $10 Barley Hay 1400 Al Mixed 304 0 lb LETTUCE Local dry faUa Hay $140001600 Straw $90001101) 1 2' Imperial J250gi300 low as choice 350 375 lemonettes ORANGES Navels small to dlum $4350465 large choice 60o less $4 450 large small $2250275 box PEARS California Winter Nellls Northwestern Winter Nellls extra fancy $2250325 ALMONDS In bags shipping points: Nonpareils 24c IXL sold out Ne Plus 21c Lr fffSS BEANS (per Small white $5700585 large $5250530: Pink 8225 Arizona $325a350 ONIONS Green 81 2501 60 per lug 160175 box Stockton Aus Interest $4700475 Lima $5900606 Cran ura( cssmncATU berry $6500660 Red Kidney 263197 263197 rtverdnafts tralian Browns $1000460 $3700880 Blackeye 81243126 Compounded Bayos $5760690 MUSHROOMS Cultivated 75o lb PEAS Southern lb local FLOUR San Francisco wholesale Securities Owned 8184818 1U Other Bonds Warrants and Securities (Including Pre mlnm thereon less all off (plus average cartage of 86o per Standard Brand Two 8-lb PEPPERS Bell Mexican sacks $840 Four 40-lb $860 12 lb M1M99S 2447278 Eight 84-lb $880 Twenty 8-lb setting Bond Adjustment Ac-Accounts Bank Premises Furniture and POTATOES River $225(9250 cold storage best $825 Wash $960 ten 49-lb $1025 25-lb sacks $308 (dead November 19 1924) South half Netted Gems $225 260 Idaho or lot 17 Rio Ilnda Subdivision MILL FEED Barley ground Sweet No 1 $310004200 Barley rolled $1300 Arkansas Nancy Hall 82000215 BUTTER AND EGGS SAM FRANCISCO April Tha following ar wholesale price published by the United State Depart meat of Agriculture and ar also tb official quotation of the San Francisco Mercantile Exchange and prices ar used to-day a basl for shipper and tb price to retailers Batter Extras 42o Prime First 40o Oeorge Hanle Sr to Mabel Louisa Moeller and George John Henle Jr (dead November 19 V( of lot 17 Rio Linda Subdivision and Minnie (wife) Thomp 0 8500 Oats rolled $31000 $100 new stock Garnets whites Mill run $320003600 Bran $3800 Fixtures and Sate Deposit Vaults 16000000 Other Real Estate Owned Due from Other Banks 215132174 Actnal Cash on Hand 8lli Exchanges tor Clearing House 8168265 Checks and Other Cash Items- 2129473 Other Resources 78391 38299821 9765965 64976170 15183488 15000 519181 64299821 9765965 270108344 S778269 8158255 2144473 597572 08300 Middlings $460004800 son to rharlea mnA Francea (wife) Hal GRAIN BAGS Spot Calcutta (deed April 2 acrea of Tract 10 Rio Linda Subdivision 3 Charlea and Francea (wife) Hall to 12c June and July 12o bid 12 Vi asked San Quentln 10c none avail Anoion Peterson iceed Marcn Same as R011 able until August 639o lb RHUBARB Alameda $1260 165 box SACKED Carrots 75c8t25 turnips 12S175 sack 5o lb SQUASH Scallop $185 223 crate Italian $2603800 crate TOMATOES $125(8)176 fancy reported high as $200 poorer low as 75c California Truot end pavings Bank to 941180327V 1110516612 uggs Albert Lawrence Olson no Hrnoxsy i Klncer (deed April 1 Lot 1D0 Mcllhrnn Oaks Chicago Grain Combined Commercial Savings TOTAL LIABILITIES Capital Paid In Christine Slehert to Ernest Plebert CHICAGO April Improved $10000000 (deed December 81 1918) nt 8 $25000000 11000000 $35000000 25C00000 weather conditions In some section rxira a ZdO Medium 20o Small 16o Cheese California Fancy Flat 22 Vi 14000000 Surplus- of the Southwest led early to-day of lot 1 and NU of of lot 2 and A 20th and 81st Frank and Anna (wife) Vvtltlame to Hoopes (deed April 4 to lower prices of wheat Rain Lots 11 18 and 14 Riverside Terrace were reported at various Kansas Arthur and Katharine (wlfe Buel to 11177176 points where moisture was needed A (dead March 2 42 $86320 IHf BY INVESTING 1 $415 A WEEK 11 KyAtt No Fixed Payments Pull Withdrawal Privileges A "Barrel Bank" 'urnlhed London Bar Silver LONDON April Bar silver 26 9-16d per ounce money 4 per cent After opening unchanged to 'A New York Butter And Eggs NEW YORK April But ter firm receipts 10692 tubs reet or 82 rest of of lot and 34th and 10th Robert 8 Driver and A Darnux higher wheat receded all around 4000 trustees to A Thlele Driver Corn oats and provisions also were easier corn starting at Ho off to and Foster (deed February Lot 180 Central Nichols Park V6n up and subsequently undergoing Robert Driver and A Daroux 197iW All Undivided Fronts (less Expenses Interest and Taxes Paid) 6954388 Deposits Due to Banks 13150403 Dividends Cnpaid Individual Deposit! Subject to Check Savings Deposits Demand Certificates ot Deposit 795775 Time Certificates ot Deposit 19153563 Certified Checks 780009 Casters Checks 212175487' State County and Municipal Deposits 1423290 Other Liabilities 92141 a general sag 18131564 13160403 4000 148278223 l7rW6U 795775 19153563 780009 212175487 27815857 92141 trustees to 10 A Tniaie Driver and Foster (deed February 8 Lot 111 and of lot 110 Can-tral Nichols Park Close: Wheat May 1 134 July 128 128 September 1126 Corn May 73H07SH July James and Kathortne fwlfe Vc-Orath (deed An Ml 0 1 Undivided 1-1 Interest In portion of of sec 78078H September 81 Vt Oats May 44 July 44 September tion 4 containing ivtis acres 8 825 43 Rye May 103 July 100 26392567 September 95 Lard May 1887 July 1257 Ribs May 1450 July 1377 Bellies May 1555 July 1550 mveiir il I1IAMM lionnf 111 mi lua 111 1U1AU 1 eriii fueniragii State ot California County of Sacramento ss I T7 I SlV But One of the lest- 37 yeus Highest Banking Efficiency rounded By Leland Stanford Frmem rAipchnmcs Rank Money To Loan No or Brokerage Charged Sacramento Guarantee Bldg-Loan At STREET tvr: sT4Twjaif Chicago Buttr And Egg CHICAGO April Butter lower receipts 7087 tubs crtam-ery extras 48 standards 48 extra firsts firsts 47 seconds 44046 Eggs lower receipts 19059 cases firsts 23 ordinary firsts 22 storage packed extras 26 storage packed firsts 25 Bar Silver OccuruiVarLjorotlca George Fewer president and nraerson Keaa secretary ot Farmers and Mechanics Bank being duly sworn eacb tor himself says he has a personal knowledge ot tbe matters contained In the foregoing report of condition and that every allegation statement matter and thing therein contained Is true to the best of his knowledge and belief GEO PELTIER President L- 4 EMERSON READ Secretary Severally subscribed and sworn to before me by both deponents the 5th day ot April 1927 (SEAL) -v- NELLIE LUBECK Notary Public In and for said County of Sacramento State of Ci ornla DONDO New Elks Building SAVINGS COMMERCIAL BONDS SAFE DEPOSIT ATM ST BETWEEN SACRAMENTO NEW YORK April Bar sliver 57 Mexican 43.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.