Study Cymraeg (Welsh) and Linguistics at Bangor University - The Uni Guide (2024)

UCAS Code: QQ15 | Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)

Study Cymraeg (Welsh) and Linguistics at Bangor University - The Uni Guide (1)

UCAS Code: QQ15 | Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)

Entry requirements

A levelAccess to HE DiplomaExtended ProjectInternational Baccalaureate Diploma ProgrammeOCR Cambridge Technical Extended DiplomaPearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (first teaching from September 2016)Scottish HigherT LevelUCAS TariffWelsh Baccalaureate - Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate (first teaching September 2015)

Gan gynnwys gradd B mewn Cymraeg (neu radd B mewn pwnc Celfyddydau neu Dyniaethau a astudir drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg - e.e. Ffrangeg, Almaeneg, Hanes, Daearyddiaeth, Astudiaethau Crefyddol). Ni dderbynnir Astudiaethau Cyffredinol a Sgiliau Allweddol.Including a grade B in Welsh (or a grade B in an Arts or Humanities subject studied through the medium of Welsh - e.g. French, German, History, Geography, Religious Studies). General Studies and Key Skills not normally accepted.

Cwrs mynediad gydag elfen o Gymraeg. Pasio yn ofynnol.Access course with Welsh elements. Pass required.

Gall y pwyntiau gynnwys Project Estynedig (EPQ) perthnasol ond rhaid iddynt gynnwys o leiaf 2 lefel A llawn, neu gyfwerth. Cysylltwch â ni i gael rhagor o wybodaeth.Points can include a relevant Extended Project (EPQ) but must include a minimum 2 full A-levels, or equivalent. Please contact us for more information.

Pasio yn ofynnol. Gan gynnwys gradd H5 mewn Cymraeg.Pass required. Including grade H5 in Welsh.

OCR Cambridge Technical Extended Diploma


Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (first teaching from September 2016)


Byddwn hefyd yn ystyried cymwysterau BTEC eraill ar y cyd â chymwysterau lefel 3 eraill.We will also consider other BTEC qualifications in conjunction with other level 3 qualifications.

Isafswm o 5 Scottish Highers - efallai y bydd angen rhai graddau pwnc-benodol/Efallai y bydd angen Advanced Highers.Minimum of 5 Scottish Highers - some subject specific grades/Advanced Highers may be required.

Derbynnir cymwysterau Lefel T fesul achos.T Level qualifications are accepted on a case-by -case basis.

UCAS Tariff


Gellir ystyried cymwysterau Lefel 3 ar y cyd â chymhwyster arall mewn Cymraeg (e.e. Safon Uwch, IB Uwch).Level 3 qualifications can be considered in conjunction with another qualification in Welsh (e.g. A-level, IB Higher).

Byddwn yn derbyn y cymhwyster hwn ar y cyd â chymwysterau lefel 3 eraill.We will accept this qualification in conjunction with other level 3 qualifications.

About this course

Course option


Full-time | 2025



Welsh language

Ar y cwrs cyd-anrhydedd hwn, bydd eich modiwlau'n cael eu rhannu rhwng Cymraeg ac Ieithyddiaeth. Mae Cymraeg yn faes eang sy'n cwmpasu chwedlau'r Mabinogi a gwaith ôl-fodernaidd awduron fel Mihangel Morgan. Ieithyddiaeth yw'r astudiaeth o strwythur iaith, sut y caiff ieithoedd eu caffael, sut y cânt eu defnyddio, a sut y gall nam ieithyddol amharu arnynt. Wrth i Gymru gofleidio dwyieithrwydd fwyfwy byddwch hefyd yn astudio defnydd proffesiynol y Gymraeg ac yn anelu at yrfa yn y sectorau marchnata, llywodraeth leol, darlledu, cyhoeddi, addysgu, cyfieithu a'r celfyddydau.

Byddwch yn astudio'r pynciau hyn mewn canolfan sydd ag enw da drwy'r byd ar gyfer astudio Cymraeg, Astudiaethau Celtaidd a Dwyieithrwydd, a honno wedi ei lleoli mewn ardal lle mae'r Gymraeg yn iaith gyntaf i'r mwyafrif. Mae hyn yn cynnig cyfleoedd hynod werthfawr i wneud gwaith maes mewn meysydd fel dwyieithrwydd, caffael a throsglwyddo iaith, a sut mae plant yn ymwneud ag iaith.

O gyfuno Cymraeg ac Ieithyddiaeth cewch eich arfogi â gwybodaeth eang o iaith, llenyddiaeth yn ogystal â sgiliau gwyddonol sy'n briodol i bob math o yrfaoedd. Byddwch yn dysgu sut i ymateb yn wreiddiol i lenyddiaeth, ac yn dod i ddeall mwy am hanes a chymdeithaseg yr iaith Gymraeg. Cyfoethogir hyn trwy edrych ar ddatblygiadau ieithyddol yn fyd-eang, a dod i ddeall yn wyddonol sut y mae iaith yn cael ei defnyddio a'i phrosesu gan unigolion a chymunedau, gan gynnwys rhai dwyieithog.

Mwynhewch hyn oll ochr yn ochr â dysgu sgiliau ymarferol y mae galw cynyddol amdanynt yng ngweithleoedd Cymru heddiw, o ysgrifennu'n hyderus ac yn effeithiol, i gyfieithu a sgriptio, ac o gasglu a dadansoddi data i gyflwyno canfyddiadau ymchwil mewn modd eglur, trefnus ac effeithiol. Mae'r cwrs hwn yn cynnig cyfle arbennig i gyfuno'r llenyddol, y creadigol, yr ieithyddol a'r gwyddonol. Yn sicr, mae amrywiaeth y cwrs yn eithriadol o werthfawr, a'r ddau bwnc yn cynnig rhychwant eang o sgiliau a gwybodaeth i chi.

Mae opsiynau 'Blwyddyn Profiad Rhyngwladol' a 'Blwyddyn ar Leoliad' ar gael ar gyfer y cwrs hwn. Bydd gennych y cyfle i ystyried yr opsiynau hyn yn llawn ar ôl cychwyn eich cwrs ym Mangor a gallwch wneud cais i drosglwyddo i un o’r opsiynau yma ar yr adeg priodol. Mae mwy o wybodaeth am yr opsiynau hyn ar ein gwefan, ac mae croeso i chi gysylltu â ni os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiad.

Os nad oes gennych mo'r cymwysterau gofynnol ar gyfer cwrs lefel gradd hwn, neu os ydych am fynd yn ôl i addysg yn dilyn cyfnod i ffwrdd, yna gall Rhaglen Blwyddyn Sylfaen fod y dewis iawn i chi. Gwnewch gais am Cymraeg i ddechreuwyr (gyda Blwyddyn Sylfaen) neu English Language and English Literature (with Foundation Year) QQCF.


For details of the modular structure, please see the course description on Bangor University's website.

Tuition fees

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The Uni

Course location:

Bangor University


School of Arts, Culture and Language

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What students say

We've crunched the numbers to see if overall student satisfaction here is high, medium or low compared to students studying this subject(s) at other universities.




Welsh language

How do students rate their degree experience?

The stats below relate to the general subject area/s at this university, not this specific course. We show this where there isn’t enough data about the course, or where this is the most detailed info available to us.

  • Linguistics
  • Welsh studies


Teaching and learning


Staff make the subject interesting


Staff are good at explaining things


Ideas and concepts are explored in-depth


Opportunities to apply what I've learned

Assessment and feedback

Feedback on work has been timely

Feedback on work has been helpful

Staff are contactable when needed

Good advice available when making study choices

Resources and organisation


Library resources


IT resources


Course specific equipment and facilities


Course is well organised and has run smoothly

Student voice

Staff value students' opinions

Feel part of a community on my course

Who studies this subject and how do they get on?


UK students


International students


Male students


Female students


2:1 or above


First year drop out rate

Most popular A-Levels studied (and grade achieved)




Welsh studies

Teaching and learning


Staff make the subject interesting


Staff are good at explaining things


Ideas and concepts are explored in-depth


Opportunities to apply what I've learned

Assessment and feedback

Feedback on work has been timely

Feedback on work has been helpful

Staff are contactable when needed

Good advice available when making study choices

Resources and organisation


Library resources


IT resources


Course specific equipment and facilities


Course is well organised and has run smoothly

Student voice

Staff value students' opinions

Feel part of a community on my course

Who studies this subject and how do they get on?


UK students


International students


Male students


Female students


2:1 or above


First year drop out rate

Most popular A-Levels studied (and grade achieved)




After graduation

The stats in this section relate to the general subject area/s at this university – not this specific course. We show this where there isn't enough data about the course, or where this is the most detailed info available to us.

  • Linguistics
  • Welsh studies


What are graduates doing after six months?

This is what graduates told us they were doing (and earning), shortly after completing their course. We've crunched the numbers to show you if these immediate prospects are high, medium or low, compared to those studying this subject/s at other universities.



Average annual salary



Employed or in further education

Top job areas of graduates


Childcare and related personal services


Other administrative occupations


Other elementary services occupations

This is not a particularly common subject at first degree level and most of the degrees that fall in this category are offered by the University of Durham. If you fancy one of these broad degrees, it is probably best to speak directly to tutors to find out what your options on your degree might be and what they can lead to,

Welsh studies

What are graduates doing after six months?

This is what graduates told us they were doing (and earning), shortly after completing their course. We've crunched the numbers to show you if these immediate prospects are high, medium or low, compared to those studying this subject/s at other universities.



Average annual salary



Employed or in further education

Top job areas of graduates


Customer service occupations


Childcare and related personal services


Other elementary services occupations

What about your long term prospects?

Looking further ahead, below is a rough guide for what graduates went on to earn.

  • Linguistics
  • Welsh studies


The graph shows median earnings of graduates who achieved a degree in this subject area one, three and five years after graduating from here.




Note: this data only looks at employees (and not those who are self-employed or also studying) and covers a broad sample of graduates and the various paths they've taken, which might not always be a direct result of their degree.

Welsh studies

The graph shows median earnings of graduates who achieved a degree in this subject area one, three and five years after graduating from here.



Note: this data only looks at employees (and not those who are self-employed or also studying) and covers a broad sample of graduates and the various paths they've taken, which might not always be a direct result of their degree.

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  • What's it like studying a degree in Linguistics

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This is what the university has told Ucas about the criteria they expect applicants to satisfy; some may be compulsory, others may be preferable.

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This is the percentage of applicants to this course who received an offer last year, through Ucas.

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This is what the university has told Ucas about the course. Use it to get a quick idea about what makes it unique compared to similar courses, elsewhere.

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Course location and department:

This is what the university has told Ucas about the course. Use it to get a quick idea about what makes it unique compared to similar courses, elsewhere.

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Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF):

We've received this information from the Department for Education, via Ucas. This is how the university as a whole has been rated for its quality of teaching: gold silver or bronze. Note, not all universities have taken part in the TEF.

Have a question about this info? Learn more here

This information comes from the National Student Survey, an annual student survey of final-year students. You can use this to see how satisfied students studying this subject area at this university, are (not the individual course).

This is the percentage of final-year students at this university who were "definitely" or "mostly" satisfied with their course. We've analysed this figure against other universities so you can see whether this is high, medium or low.

Have a question about this info? Learn more here

This information is from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), for undergraduate students only.

You can use this to get an idea of who you might share a lecture with and how they progressed in this subject, here. It's also worth comparing typical A-level subjects and grades students achieved with the current course entry requirements; similarities or differences here could indicate how flexible (or not) a university might be.

Have a question about this info? Learn more here

Post-six month graduation stats:

This is from the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education Survey, based on responses from graduates who studied the same subject area here.

It offers a snapshot of what grads went on to do six months later, what they were earning on average, and whether they felt their degree helped them obtain a 'graduate role'. We calculate a mean rating to indicate if this is high, medium or low compared to other universities.

Have a question about this info? Learn more here

Graduate field commentary:

The Higher Education Careers Services Unit have provided some further context for all graduates in this subject area, including details that numbers alone might not show

Have a question about this info? Learn more here

The Longitudinal Educational Outcomes dataset combines HRMC earnings data with student records from the Higher Education Statistics Agency.

While there are lots of factors at play when it comes to your future earnings, use this as a rough timeline of what graduates in this subject area were earning on average one, three and five years later. Can you see a steady increase in salary, or did grads need some experience under their belt before seeing a nice bump up in their pay packet?

Have a question about this info? Learn more here

Study Cymraeg (Welsh) and Linguistics at Bangor University - The Uni Guide (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Views: 5761

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.