Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (2024)

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  1. 5 days ago



    shut up hom*osexual
    *lights torch and kills you*

  2. 5 days ago



    Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (6)

    After ER i find it really hard to go back to the Dark Souls games, especially 2.
    I'm trying to pyro but you don't get your flame until after No Mans Wharf for some reason.

    • 5 days ago



      Dark Souls 2 is simply too slow to really easily go back to. The estus animation is not only slower but so is the rate the health bar goes up after an estus chug. It's to the point where it's almost a turn based rpg

      • 5 days ago



        Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (7)

        After ER i find it really hard to go back to the Dark Souls games, especially 2.
        I'm trying to pyro but you don't get your flame until after No Mans Wharf for some reason.

        I think DS2 tried to distance itself from having rolling as the constant meta. Rolls (with starting stats) have 40% as many iFrames as they did in DaS.
        It's a neat idea, making agility/dodging a build type that needs stat investment to work, but it's hard to adjust to.

        >slow estus animation
        That sort of thing included, takes fricking forever to chug the estus or cast spells by default, until you invest stats. Makes the early game feel so rough.

        Do you guys play with Covenant of Champions on? I turned it on halfway through the game and I'm currently at the 2nd dlc considering suicide.

        I only ever used the CoC when I wanted to farm something a lot, or get the punching ring. Played a lot of DS2 but never did a full CoC playthrough, simply never wanted to

        • 5 days ago



          >It's a neat idea, making agility/dodging a build type that needs stat investment to work, but it's hard to adjust to.
          the problem is that the missing iframes were quickly "solved" when people realized you could just put some points into agility in a way that barely impacts the restof any build.

          • 5 days ago



            don't you need 25 agility to have 100 adp for ds1 iframes?

            • 5 days ago



              Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (8)

              I forget how many levels (ADP or attunement) correlates to how many points of Agility. Diminishing returns kicks in super hard for the last few available iFrames.

            • 5 days ago



              for max iframes the investment was pretty high but getting a few extras was really easy. its been awhile since i played DS2 but i recall the lower levels being really cheap (much moreso than other souls games) so it only took a boss fight or 2 to get the required AGI to 'normalize' your iframes.

      • 5 days ago



        >It's to the point where it's almost a turn based rpg
        I think that's when combat is at its peak, when its a constant back and forth between you and the enemy. 3 is still an okay balance but ER bosses have too many long attack strings that end in a one second punish window.

      • 5 days ago



        god forbid i want my dark fantasy game to feel a bit weighty and not filled with gay anime flips.

    • 5 days ago



      >I'm trying to pyro but you don't get your flame until after No Mans Wharf for some reason.
      Start the game, make a char, pick lifegem as gift, run to Heide Tower, cheese Dragonrider. Go to Majula, level up HP (to 1350 or something like that), drop into Majula well fully naked to reduce fall damage. Run pass all the enemies and pick Dark Pyro Flame.

      Here it is. You start as pyronancer with 1 dead enemy (Dragonrider). And you didn't even swing a sword.

    • 5 days ago



      >After ER i find it really hard to go back to the Dark Souls games
      funny because after ER I needed to boot demon's souls to rinse taste becaue ER was fricking sh*t lmao

    • 5 days ago



      >finish Sekiro
      >want to go back to the Souls games
      >make two characters to completion in DS1
      >make one character to [completion] in DS2 (got to the end, but still have some equipment I wanna go for)
      >reinstall and boot up DS3
      >drop it after Vordt
      I sure love getting gang slammed by the scrawniest level 1 characters in Ugly Ass Ashy Souls because Miyazai hates poise for whatever reason.

    • 5 days ago



      i genuinely don't understand this feeling. i've beat the dlc recently and will likely never boot up elden ring again, but have many playthroughs of each souls game/bloodborne/sekiro in me.
      ds2 is maybe the most replayable of them all, even if it's not my favourite.

      • 5 days ago



        god forbid i want my dark fantasy game to feel a bit weighty and not filled with gay anime flips.

        >DS2troony dickripped scizo samegay bump

      • 5 days ago



        The problem with Elden Ring replayability is with the ridiculous amount of things that you need to collect again each playthrough, unless you're doing a minimal RL1 run or something. In previous games all you really needed to get a run going was your weapons or spells of choice, armor of choice, upgrade materials, and rings. In Elden Ring, you have way more of the aforementioned things, but also crystal tears, bell bearings, cookbooks, pots/perfume bottles if you use those, crafting materials, and whetblades. Starting a new run in Elden Ring is a massive chore and it's way easier to collect everything you can in one run and use a larval tear, especially after the DLC.

        • 5 days ago



          Don't forget that the map is 100x larger so a lot of time is spent simply moving around.

    • 5 days ago



      Elden ring sucks. Went right back to Dark souls 1 and it feels like home

  3. 5 days ago



    Do you guys play with Covenant of Champions on? I turned it on halfway through the game and I'm currently at the 2nd dlc considering suicide.

    • 5 days ago



      No. Dark Souls 2 is hard enough without having its difficulty increased even more

    • 5 days ago



      My first playthrough was a CoC run, but i used release-hexes so everything died in one hit anyway.
      I never used it for the DLCs either. sh*t like the icy hedgehogs or the big smelter golem things are bullsh*t enough as is.

    • 5 days ago



      The first time I ran through the DLCs was on my CoC run, but at that point it was my fourth character with an optimized build. I wouldn't stay in CoC for your first playthrough, dlcs are challenging enough on their own

  4. 5 days ago



    >implying my game brightness isn't high enough to not need a torch
    did make nomans warf indirectly harder though, I miss how much level interactivity Ds2 had with stuff like torches or very basic physic puzzles

  5. 5 days ago



    Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (9)

    >he says this
    >while there's a fricking hollow that is allowed to freely roam around with a torch
    What did Agdayne mean by this?

    Actually, what was up with the friendly torch hollows anyway, there's two or three throughout the game

    • 5 days ago



      The guy follows you inside the crypt and i'm pretty sure Agdayne attacks you for it

      • 5 days ago



        >attack you for it
        Exactly, why is he picking on the Chosen Undead in that scenario, he's fine with light he's just being a prick and using any excuse to harass you

        • 5 days ago



          Its a Scholar™ Trap. It doesn't need to make sense, it just needs to frick over the player

    • 5 days ago



      Obviously carrying on their jobs from before they were completely hollowed.
      And obviously the crypt one just to mess with you.

    • 5 days ago



      Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (10)

      DS2 was a strange, strange game when you get into some of the more obscure mechanics.
      Remember the invisible hollows, which would only cast a shadow?

      Or the butterflies hidden throughout the game? And the INVISIBLE butterflies?

      • 5 days ago



        >DS2 was a strange, strange game when you get into some of the more obscure mechanics

        ..which is just another way of saying that DS2 is full of halfbaked ideas cause of it's troubled dev cycle

        • 5 days ago



          I don't know if those ones were "halfbaked", they were there and finished
          ... which is what makes them so strange. They're just there, no announcement or discussion.

          • 5 days ago



            You mean like the plotlines in the previous games? Why were characters like Mephistopheles a thing? We don't know. Dark Souls 2 understands the urgency of secrecy.

        • 5 days ago



          >..which is just another way of saying that DS2 is full of SOUL before they went full casual mainstream


          • 5 days ago



            >"DS2 was before the franchise became mainstream because it was the first one I played I was in early bro"

      • 5 days ago



        Those invisible enemies are all sotfs only. I don't know why they thought it was worth adding these

          • 5 days ago



            I'm pretty sure they didn't use the invisible hollows as a selling point, anon.
            It was just a weird mystery that were unceremoniously included, no rhyme or reason

        • 5 days ago



          SotFS is just a horrible version of the game. Even worse than 1.0. Petrified characters obviously blocking doors that you going through did not cause issues in the earlier versions. Worse enemy placement making the earlier game harder than it was. Even MORE gank fights than the original. Aldia suddenly exploding out of bonfires whenever he wants. So many things are added just to inconvenience and annoy the player

          • 5 days ago



            >Worse enemy placement making the earlier game harder than it was. Even MORE gank fights than the original.
            These have been debunked numerous times but morons like you still like to spout misinformed lies

      • 5 days ago



        I have to wonder if a lot of this was left over from the earlier director's vision and didn't fit the later version of the game so they just kind of left it hanging around where it was but never really used it to its fullest. The lighting based stuff especially.

      • 5 days ago



        Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (11)

        >Remember the invisible hollows, which would only cast a shadow?

        When you reach peak hollow all that is left is for your existence to fade away. They're experiencing the same thing the Irithyll slaves do in DS3.

        • 5 days ago



          That makes sense. I think I had forgotten that you could decay further beyond just a regular hollow.
          I forgot there's ghosts in these games.

          No wonder the Bearer sought to cure his curse.

          • 5 days ago



            Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (12)

            There is no cure for undeath. The only way to postpone it is to increase in soul power or to transfer your curse buildup to another. The dark soul in humans is powered by a light soul (hence the betray a smidgen of life in the Ringed Knight armor) so the only way to keep on top of it is by doing the two things I mentioned. Patches hit the jackpot finding the Purging Monument in the Ringed City considering the Purging Stones were no longer working. I'm still scratching my head who it is but it looks like a giant which is interesting considering giants aren't human. That must mean they're of the dark as well which doesn't surprise me considering Nito First of the Dead is a giant.

            • 5 days ago



              >There is no cure for undeath.
              Apparently Vendrick got close, and Aldia did... something weird. Becoming a tree is not much of a step up.

              But if you get all the DLC crowns, you do functionally become immune to hollowing, so the Bearer does sort of succeed in his initial objective.

              • 5 days ago


                Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (13)

                Vendrick and Aldia found out there's no cure for undeath. The Japanese text isn't as cryptic and misleading as the English text.

                >DLC crowns
                You don't hollow because the crowns are basically symbols of powerful monarch souls. Everytime you die your soul is replenished with life from them. The power from the crowns will never last as the curse isn't just undeath but also the fading of life.

              • 5 days ago


                Sounds like headcanon

              • 5 days ago


                Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (14)

                Vendrick and Aldia found out there's no cure for undeath. The Japanese text isn't as cryptic and misleading as the English text.

                >DLC crowns
                You don't hollow because the crowns are basically symbols of powerful monarch souls. Everytime you die your soul is replenished with life from them. The power from the crowns will never last as the curse isn't just undeath but also the fading of life.

                Aldia must have it rough. It must be pretty boring being stuck as a bonfire tree

              • 5 days ago


                Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (15)

                Not really. He would have slumbered until the next potential monarch comes along.

                On a side note has anyone even asked why Aldia is, what you call it a bonfire tree? Did he throw himself into the bonfire? What he thrown into the bonfire? Why does he look the way he is? He's a real mystery nibber.

              • 5 days ago


                It's got to be intended to just be some really convoluted magic experiment that he performed and hoped would cure the curse, nothing as simple as just throwing himself into the bonfire. I doubt we were ever meant to think too deeply about why he turned out like that given they don't put too many details in the game as to the form he's in and just gloss over it as he did a bunch of crazy experiments.

        • 5 days ago



          Deepest Lore

      • 5 days ago



        >DS2 was a strange, strange game when you get into some of the more obscure mechanics.
        which was great to experience is is why they need to make another kings field

    • 5 days ago



      >all DaS hollows are just wretched corpses
      >all DS3 hollows are just wretched corpses
      >all DS2 hollows are just wretched corpses... except for the rare ones with runes carved into them
      What does it all mean?

    • 5 days ago



      Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (16)

      >What did Agdayne mean by this?
      He means don't bring a torch to the undead sleeping in their coffins he's guarding because fire agitates their slumber.

      • 5 days ago



        So, why doesn't he give a frick when you light up the statue and flashbang the whole crypt?

    • 5 days ago



      That's Frank. He aight.

  6. 5 days ago




  7. 5 days ago



    >Hand it over. That thing, your Dark Souls III™ Deluxe Edition.
    Seriously, FromSoft?

  8. 5 days ago



    Ds2 is great. Everything is grounded. When you're out in the open you can see the world. In ds 1 and ds 3 and elden ring AND SEKIRO the games are set high up into the sky, with cliffs EVERY WHERE!
    Ds2 majula is the only cliff an it's fricking kino.

  9. 5 days ago



    Melentia sweetheart

  10. 5 days ago



    Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (17)

    Has there ever been a more based NPC in a souls game?

    • 5 days ago



      I liked most of the DS2 NPCs, they're all pretty cool and memorable.

      Big tiddied stone trader, sketchy man with a bunch of ladders, FEEBLE CURSED ONE magic salesman, even these random merchants were memorable.
      Hell the phantoms were great too, they'd emote and be buttholes if they wanted to.

      • 5 days ago



        I liked how they didn't all just fricking die too. Some died depending on your choices, but most were saved and chilled in Majula. Maybe this is what the ending really meant, with you becoming the new king and sitting on the throne? You had actually saved a bunch of people and built a "thriving" town amidst all the desolation, and could use your new power to protect it and stop the people of Majula from hollowing? I mean it doesn't matter since everything inevitably ends in DaS 3 anyway, but the idea that for a time someone actually carved out a stable life for people is kinda cool.

        • 5 days ago



          Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (18)

          Or you kill them all for the chance to shoot suns out of your fingertips.
          Fricked is, most of the time you were better just killing them off.
          Nigerian Prince armor, Cale's Helmet, no invasions from that one chick

      • 5 days ago



        >Big tiddied stone trader
        I need Pic

  11. 5 days ago



    >Halt. Human. Do not produce light. Or I shall produce you a kicked ass.

  12. 5 days ago



    I love watching DS2 fans rub together what few braincells they have while they desperately try to paint their unfinished product made for mass appeal as anything more than an unfinished cash grab

    • 5 days ago



      >unfinished product made for mass appeal as anything more than an unfinished cash grab
      We aren't talking about Dark Souls 3 or Elden Ring thoughever.

      • 5 days ago



        Come on man, there is a massive gap in quality between DS2 and literally every other fromsoft game since.

        The only people who claim to prefer DS2 are either total sh*tposters or anons with stockholm syndrome who feel the need to defend DS2 cause it was their introduction to the series

        • 5 days ago



          Are you American? Because only Americans have this binary, A/B approach that you won't see anywhere else. It's either this or that, no other way.
          I'm not surprised DS3 is the most popular game in USA. It's a pathetic facsimile of the franchise, much like your country.

          • 5 days ago



            probably an american mutt, yeah

        • 5 days ago



          Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (19)

          >The only people who claim to prefer DS2 are either total sh*tposters or anons with stockholm syndrome
          Oh, so the overwhelming majority were just "wrong" or liked it ironically, huh anon

          There's been like 3 DS2 threads a day for the past month, who is behind them?

          • 5 days ago



            critics just rate things what they expect the audience wants to hear, it means nothing.

          • 5 days ago



            This is just critics overcorrecting from ds1 being a sleeper hit. You can tell this from the fact that ds2 is the least played souls game over several years.

          • 5 days ago



            Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (21)

            This is just critics overcorrecting from ds1 being a sleeper hit. You can tell this from the fact that ds2 is the least played souls game over several years.

            critics just rate things what they expect the audience wants to hear, it means nothing.

            • 5 days ago



              Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (22)

              • 5 days ago


                we all know DS2's reviews are fake

        • 5 days ago



          cant speak for everyone but for me its less about 'defendin DS2' and more puzzlement/disappointment with DS3/Elden ring and the trend away from dungeon crawling and towards hom*osexual flailing anime-tier boss fights with a bonfire/grace right in front of every fog. i like DaS2 for a similar reason to why i liked dragons dogma--sure it was flawed, but it had a certain charm to it that the later entries just lacked.

          • 5 days ago



            >bonfire/grace right in front of every fog.
            No one liked boss runbacks, which is why this existed anyway. All that stems from the bloodstain mechanic rather than just finally letting that mechanic end or exempting bosses from it. Bosses in Miyazaki designed games are expected to be harder than the regular segments of the levels, so allowing some leeway for deaths there would make sense, especially with how hard he's been going lately with the anime bosses.

            • 5 days ago



              Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (23)

              >No one liked boss runbacks
              Because the bosses have become more spastic. Instead of being an end of the level hurdle, they have now become the only attraction. At this point Fromsoft may as well not bother with level design anymore.

              • 5 days ago


                I didn't like them from even Demon's Souls where bosses tended to be less extreme. And occasionally shortcuts would mitigate them in both DeS and DS1 but not always. They're a waste of time if you die to a boss. If I didn't lose souls for dying to the boss, I'd be more inclined to spend time going back through the level "legit" if more expediently. But the bloodstain mechanic renders that rather pointless since there's quite a risk you'll just lose all those souls.

              • 5 days ago


                Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (24)

                You're just confirming what I said that Fromsoft should just do away with levels if they're going to have spastic bosses from now on.

              • 5 days ago


                If that's your mentality, the entire game outside the boss fights is a waste of time, and you're better off playing a boss rush mod.

              • 5 days ago


                I actually prefer the gameplay outside the boss battles as its less stressful, so I don't know where you're getting that from. The problem is that you lose progress against something that is obviously not intended to be beaten on try 1 unless you're replaying or have an optimal researched build.

              • 5 days ago


                >something that is obviously not intended to be beaten on try 1
                If you can't first try bosses consistently, which isn't exactly a big ask given how fair and telegraphed pre-DS3 bosses are, learn 2 homeward bone instead of fighting to the last hitpoint.

                >finish Sekiro
                >want to go back to the Souls games
                >make two characters to completion in DS1
                >make one character to [completion] in DS2 (got to the end, but still have some equipment I wanna go for)
                >reinstall and boot up DS3
                >drop it after Vordt
                I sure love getting gang slammed by the scrawniest level 1 characters in Ugly Ass Ashy Souls because Miyazai hates poise for whatever reason.

                But anon, isn't hyperarmor so much more skill-based™?
                If you time your attack just right, you get to trade unfavourably and you won't get knockdown down, so you're ready to eat the rest of the 99-hit combo!

              • 5 days ago


                You're just soft and casual

              • 5 days ago


                Maybe I don't want to waste time unnecessarily

              • 5 days ago


                Like I said you're soft. Maybe play Call of Duty or Goat Simulator

              • 5 days ago



        • 5 days ago



          DS2 is the best one dude, suck it.

    • 5 days ago



      Here's the thing anon, if it didn't mean something to the second director, why did they cut the original one and move on from his vision to the 2nd one? Miyazaki most likely did not like the direction that the first guy was heading in, going further away from DS1 and more towards doing his own thing with time travel and a more involved plotline with the main character and Shanalotte.

    • 5 days ago



      This "unfinished product" is the longest and biggest Dark Souls game.
      And every Souls game has cut content, you fricking idiot.

    • 5 days ago



      >I love watching DS2 fans rub together what few braincells they have while they desperately try to paint their unfinished product made for mass appeal as anything more than an unfinished cash grab

      You say this everytime because you can't figure out the story.

  13. 5 days ago



    Like, to people who defend DS2

    How do you reconcile that it's the only game fromsoft has ever made where they felt obliged to release a "fixed" version of the game a year after it's release in the form of SOTFS?

    Like, the fact that there are two versions of DS2 objectively shows how little vision or care was put into it the first time around

    • 5 days ago



      >How do you reconcile that it's the only game fromsoft has ever made where they felt obliged to release a "fixed" version of the game a year after it's release in the form of SOTFS?
      You mean like PTDE?
      >Like, the fact that there are two versions of DS2 objectively shows how little vision or care was put into it the first time around
      If you are to ignore the fact that this was the next-gen release that also had to change something in order to sell twice, you might be right.

      • 5 days ago



        It was a next gen remaster, they did the same with Dark Souls 1 (but barely tried with this one).
        Dark Souls 1 must have released like 3 years before the next gen, DS2 was half a year, DS3 was still ~6 years from the next gen.

        There simply hasn't been a reason for this to reoccur. Yes the original was a downgrade from the E3 version, but SotFS sought to rectify that and I would say it mostly did.

        >comparing prepare to die and scholar of the first sin like they are in anyway equivalent
        SOTFS was a top to bottom remix in balance and pacing as damage control for the terrible word of mouth DS2 was getting.
        Meanwhile prepare to die edition was, as you say, just a remaster with the DLC bundled

        This "unfinished product" is the longest and biggest Dark Souls game.
        And every Souls game has cut content, you fricking idiot.

        long games can be unfinished. short games can be unfinished. there is no direct relationship between a game's length and the state of the final product

        • 5 days ago



          >Meanwhile prepare to die edition was, as you say, just a remaster with the DLC bundled
          Anon that's literally was SotFS was, a remaster with the DLC changed to be included in the game world

          Also unlike the other anon I was referring to the actual "Remaster" of Dark Souls 1, not PTDE.

    • 5 days ago



      It was a next gen remaster, they did the same with Dark Souls 1 (but barely tried with this one).
      Dark Souls 1 must have released like 3 years before the next gen, DS2 was half a year, DS3 was still ~6 years from the next gen.

      There simply hasn't been a reason for this to reoccur. Yes the original was a downgrade from the E3 version, but SotFS sought to rectify that and I would say it mostly did.

    • 5 days ago



      It's the version I play. I didn't play dark souls 2 until like 2018 so I wasn't there for the....confusion? I honestly think elden ring should have a scholars of lost sin treatment. So many instances seem moronic

  14. 5 days ago



    does ds2 have grass crest shield?

    • 5 days ago



      There's a really sh*tty version of it with a different name I think, but nobody ever used it. There wasn't a "here, have a ton of free stamina regen if you're 2-handing something" item this time.
      Chloranthy Ring+2 if you actually needed stamina regen though, there were 4 ring slots in this game.

  15. 5 days ago



    Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (25)


    • 5 days ago



      Took me a while to realize that the c**t with the lance in Brume Tower, who lures you deeper into enemy territory, is the same as the c**t who pretends to be friendly in Eleum Loyce.
      Guy gets around.

      • 5 days ago



        best npc invasion FROM has ever done, guy acts like an toxic butthole player, runs away like a puss*, heals, taunts if he kills you, throws sh*t that can break your gear, trying to go for cheap tactics and so forth

  16. 5 days ago



    Have you ever done a run where you don't level up ADP at all?

    I'm trying it out, rolling a Honest Build (only allowed a greatshield + longsword) and so far I must say it makes the game far more cerebral. You actually have to dodge the enemy's weapon instead of just rolling through it. Very unique. I think ADP is an underloved mechanic. Some bosses like Lost Sinner actually become quite difficult.

    • 5 days ago



      I did by accident because I didn't know ADP controlled iframes. It was miserable.

    • 5 days ago



      yeah it's the best way to play the game. And you can put all your points into other stuff and really hypertune a specific part of your character. You can level Endurance to 100 in this game. Wild sh*t like that.

      • 5 days ago



        yeah but in pretty sure your stats start to have diminishing returns past 40-50 so you don't really get much after that

        • 5 days ago



          yeah it's the best way to play the game. And you can put all your points into other stuff and really hypertune a specific part of your character. You can level Endurance to 100 in this game. Wild sh*t like that.

          Why is it that they made the diminishing returns system in pretty much every DS game? Why not just let someone get the full effect of specializing? Would it really unbalance the game even though they are sacrificing other stats to increase say STR to 99 or INT to 99?

  17. 5 days ago



    Which system is better: spell uses or FP/mana?

    • 5 days ago



      spell uses >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FP

    • 5 days ago



      Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (26)

      None. System would be way better if the mana bar acted like the stamina bar.

    • 5 days ago



      FP is cancer. Ignoring that spell uses encourages using spells tactically while FP doesn't, FP enabled weapon arts to be implemented which turned the combat system into weapon art spam.

    • 5 days ago



      FP is giga-casual sh*t that obliterated any semblance of balance for magic, and also indirectly ruined melee balance via weapon arts.

  18. 5 days ago



    Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (27)

  19. 5 days ago



    Im on NG++, doing a Pyromancer-Melee mix larping as Aldia. How do I get the 30 sunlight medals to get the miracle needed to get the achievement? Best place to Coop? Any other trick to get the medals?

    • 5 days ago



      >How do I get the 30 sunlight medals to get the miracle needed to get the achievement?
      iron keep/smelter demon
      >Im on NG++
      what's your sm?

      • 5 days ago



        Soul Memory?
        Around 5512600. So I must be teir 37, I think. Is that good?

        • 5 days ago



          > Is that good?
          it's not
          dlc would be your best bet to find coop with sm that high

    • 5 days ago



      I think suffering through grinding those falconers for the rare medal drop is the most realistic way to get them all unfortunately.
      I hate the covenant grinds in these games, DaS did the same thing with the Dark Moon tokens.

    • 5 days ago



      you can CE that sh*t offline

  20. 5 days ago



    After the anime bosses of Elden Ring, I'm starting to get nostalgic for the DS2 bosses of 'giant knight in armor'.

    I'm worried that From is deviating farther and farther from my preferred tastes. The levels are getting easier while the bosses are becoming more spastic and over the top. I miss DS1 where the craziest weapons were oversized hammers and tree limbs, not the Elden Ring weapons that shoot lava beams, etc.

  21. 5 days ago



    We all know if DS2 reviews were mixed or negative you'd accept them as proof. That's not the case, you have to delude yourself further.

  22. 5 days ago



    does anyone have a screenshot of those goofy looking lizards in that room at the beginning of DS2? That's where I stopped playing. I couldn't believe how lazy the design of that place was. It had some lava or fire at the bottom IIRC, or maybe the lizards were fire lizards or some sh*t.

    • 5 days ago



      Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (28)

      Yeah dude, you definitely were overly critical of the lizards' design and that's what caused you to drop the game. Nobody does that, nobody has a reason to believe in your idiotic statement, nobody has a screenshot of goofy looking lizards.
      What I have a screenshot of is of a profoundly moronic post from Ganker. Here, take a look.

      • 5 days ago



        I had no issues finishing DS1 and DS3. DS2, however, I dropped almost immediately. I couldn't stand the laziness and rushed look and feel of the game. Everything was pure jank, and that first boss you fight was laughable. Go ahead and compare it to the DS3 one.

        • 5 days ago



          There is no real "first" boss in DS2 anon, because that game doesn't have mandatory tutorial.

          • 5 days ago



            stop talking like a hom*osexual, aaaanoooooon *moans like a hom*o*

            dumb fricking autist
            >Though the Last Giant is commonly one of the first bosses a player will face, it is not actually necessary to defeat it until around the end of the game, due to requiring the key it drops to move on.

            • 5 days ago



              >key to Pursuer and burd nest to Lost Bastille
              You know you can get to that location via Heide Tower > No Man's Wharf?

              • 5 days ago


                Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (29)

                and you can't even see how goofy those idling lizards are from this angle

                I don't care, subhuman.

              • 5 days ago


                Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (30)

                You are a fricking idiot, Asthmagold.

              • 5 days ago


                i don't care about your gay eceleb drama

    • 5 days ago



      Lol that pit of lizards is like 30min into the game and looks unfinished

      • 5 days ago



        Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (31)

        that's what I was looking for, thanks. Looks like gapesh*t.

        • 5 days ago



          Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (32)

          Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (33)

          and you can't even see how goofy those idling lizards are from this angle

          I don't care, subhuman.

          >Salamanders that breathe fire
          >There's a master pyromancer called Salaman
          Deepest lore.

          • 5 days ago



            They specifically removed her textures in a later update to piss on the original director and people who liked that plotline

            • 5 days ago



              They didn't want to confuse players, because Shanalotte is actually that granny in intro.
              Remember that Shanalotte says that she'll ALWAYS be with you.

              • 5 days ago


                I thought that was just one of the bonfire hags

              • 5 days ago


                Nope. When you talk to them they say there's another one, but you never actually meet that granny later in the game.

          • 5 days ago



            Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (34)

            so lazy

  23. 5 days ago



    Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (35)

    Dark Souls 2 fricking rules and I'll never pretend that it doesn't.

  24. 5 days ago



    Repeatedly swing a fireaxe at Dominik Leys fat fricking throat to rip out his esophagus.

  25. 5 days ago



    Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (36)

    You really don't need more than 15 ADP / 92 AGI
    If you're still struggling at that point, then...use summons, I guess.

  26. 5 days ago



    Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (37)

    >DS2troony still spamming still seething

  27. 5 days ago



    Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (38)

    >Wyverns are all over the Dark Souls games
    >Call them drakes
    Deepest lore.

  28. 5 days ago



    And then everybody clapped and said you go girl while Miyzaki threw his muffin on the floor.

    Why are DS2roonies so compelled to just f*cking lie?

  29. 5 days ago



    Dickripped mentally ill schizoid

  30. 5 days ago



    Dark Souls II had some soulful moments with their npcs.

  31. 5 days ago



    Why are so many people replaying Dark Souls 2 all of a sudden?

  32. 5 days ago



    Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (39)

    The locations in this game fucuuk it's beautiful

  33. 5 days ago



    The thing I miss most from that game is the binoculars. Had too much fun freeaiming spells with it.

Halt. Human. Do not produce Dark Souls II. Dark Souls II, and all those who bear it, are unwelcome in this place. (2024)
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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.