Amirmasoud Jannat on LinkedIn: Hi everyone, Continuing from my last two posts, I'd like to share more… (2024)

Amirmasoud Jannat

Student at Isfahan University of Technology

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Hi everyone,Continuing from my last two posts, I'd like to share more about my journey. In my second semester as a physics student,during the winter of 2021, I presented two talks in the Classical Physics Circle. I was particularly enthusiastic about special relativity, so my first talk focused on relativistic kinematics. I discussed how space and time are altered in special relativity and explored concepts like the Twin Paradox.In my next talk, I delved into relativistic dynamics, examining how momentum and energy are defined within the framework of relativistic time and space, and what unique characteristics they exhibit.That semester, I had the opportunity to study some fascinating subjects, including “Analytical Mechanics,” "Thermodynamics," “Modern Physics,” and “Physics II.” Dr.Shirzad , one of the most experienced professors in our department, taught us Physics II. His deep knowledge and unique perspective sparked my interest in particle physics. Although he was strict, his compassion and dedication to teaching made a lasting impact on me, and I learned a great deal from him.Dr.Alaei (Mojtaba Alaei), who taught us Modern Physics, encouraged us to give a talk on a topic of our choice for the course. My curiosity about particle physics led me to present an introduction to this fascinating branch of physics. I discussed the fundamental forces, their relative strengths, and how they can be explained through the interactions of specific particles. Initially, I gave an abstract overview for the class, and later, I expanded the talk for the Classical Physics Circle.To be continued...



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Sarah Kazeminejad

undergraduate physics student and aspiring English instructor


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How u managed to study modern physics in the second semester of ur undergraduate program is a puzzle to me.

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  • Amirmasoud Jannat

    Student at Isfahan University of Technology

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    Hi everyone,Continuing from my previous posts, I want to share some highlights from 2022. We joined the Physics Association of Isfahan University of Technology as official members. My partners in this association were Shahrzad Tofighi as Secretary, masih bagheri as Deputy Secretary, Soroush S in charge of Administrative Affairs, Hanieh Karimi in charge of Educational Affairs, and I took on the role of Public Relations. Although we divided our responsibilities and set goals for each area, we worked as a cohesive team. Many other students supported our plans, and without their help, we couldn’t have organized or executed any of our initiatives.Because of my experience with holding circles, the official responsibility for running them fell to me. I decided to organize two circles: Physicorn for philosophical, artistic, and free discussions about uncertain theories in physics. It was a space for open dialogue and exploration, aiming to capture the intellectual curiosity and depth of discussion similar to what Bohr once fostered. The second circle was ArcPhysics, focusing on scientific aspects and talks. There were eight sessions in Physicorn:1. Simulated World2. Cancel Culture3. Infinity in Mathematics and Physics4. Determinism and Free Will5. Free Discussion about “Immigration”6. Why Philosophy?7. Reductionism by Fatemeh Heidari8. Free Discussion about “Climate Change”And seven sessions in ArcPhysics:1. Magnetic Monopoles by me2. Fractals by Arash Khamooshi3. Principles of Solving a Physics Problem by Peyman Ansaripoor4. How Should We Read a Scientific Article? by Dr. Ranjbar5. QED For Dummies by Nima Hamed6. Stern-Gerlach Experiment by Alireza Shariati J7. Confusion in the World of Waves and Particles by Masoud MaleksabetThere were many people who helped in organizing these circles. Besides my friends in the association, I want to extend my gratitude to Ehsan A., Maryam Hasani, Atanaz Halalzadeh, and Abolfazl Hoseini for their contributions to Physicorn. For ArcPhysics, special thanks go to Niloofar Jokar, Arash Khamooshi, Arash Karbalaei, Peyman Ansaripoor and amir movahedi. I also want to express my heartfelt thanks to Mehdi Ranjbar for accepting the role of supporting professor and guiding us throughout.Additionally, there were other programs led by different members, such as Physicast by Masih and his team, the Zicma Competition by Arash Khamooshi and Shahrzad with support from Keivan Aghababaei Samani and so many other activities. Besides continuing with the Physics Association, Masih and I decided to help university newcomers through a program called Hoda. In this program, experienced students guide newcomers on how to navigate university life, study effectively, and become active members of the academic community. Under the vision of Moslem Zarei, we began mentoring these students. Seeing their progress and their passionate approach to physics today fills me with pride and honor.End of part 5.

    • Amirmasoud Jannat on LinkedIn: Hi everyone,Continuing from my last two posts, I'd like to share more… (5)
    • Amirmasoud Jannat on LinkedIn: Hi everyone,Continuing from my last two posts, I'd like to share more… (6)
    • Amirmasoud Jannat on LinkedIn: Hi everyone,Continuing from my last two posts, I'd like to share more… (7)
    • Amirmasoud Jannat on LinkedIn: Hi everyone,Continuing from my last two posts, I'd like to share more… (8)
    • Amirmasoud Jannat on LinkedIn: Hi everyone,Continuing from my last two posts, I'd like to share more… (9)



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  • Amirmasoud Jannat

    Student at Isfahan University of Technology

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    Hi again,Continuing from my previous posts, I mentioned that I felt the need to improve my programming skills. During the summer of 2021, I took the initiative to learn the basics of Python. Alongside this, I explored the topic of space debris and had discussions with Masih and Soroush about it. However, we couldn’t reach a conclusion and eventually set the issue aside. As a child, I was deeply fascinated by “light.” I remember being captivated by what I thought were photons when I saw the reflections of light from dust in my grandfather’s dark garage. I would sit there for hours, mesmerized by the sight. At university, Nima hamed gave several talks on light, which reignited my interest in the subject. This led me to delve into the study of optics. True to my nature, I enjoy sharing what I learn, so I gave a talk about optics at the Classical Physics Circle. In my presentation, I introduced the field of optics, discussed how our understanding of light has evolved over time, and explained how we’ve studied and come to know what we do about light today.For the next semester, during the fall of 2021, Masih suggested I take a course in Biophysics, and I’m truly grateful for his recommendation! I thoroughly enjoyed the course and developed a strong passion for the subject. It became clear that I wanted to continue my studies in this branch. Dr.Alaei taught the course and encouraged us to give a talk. I chose to summarize the remarkable book What Is Life? by Erwin Schrödinger. It’s an incredible book filled with profound ideas, bold hypotheses, and clear writing. I wasn’t surprised to learn that Crick and Watson cited this book as a significant influence in their discovery of the DNA double helix structure.Another subject that excited me that semester was Electromagnetism. The equations are so beautiful, and the theory is incredibly precise! I often wondered how such elegant theories were developed. Boltzmann once remarked, “Is it as if a god wrote these signs, revealing the hidden and mysterious forces of nature around me, which fill my heart with quiet joy?”—and he was so right.Dr.Kameli encouraged us to give a talk as well. At that time, I was very intrigued by magnetic monopoles, inspired by Dr. Shirzad’s fascinating insights in Physics II. I chose to research magnetic monopoles for my presentation in Arc Physics Circle which I will explain about it in the next part. I discussed what they are, why they are important, and how they contribute to a more symmetrical framework in our equations. As a significant aspect of their role, I performed calculations demonstrating that, if magnetic monopoles exist, electric charges must be quantized. Additionally, I explained Dirac’s string theory.As I was so passionate about the subject, I offered to help Dr. Kameli by taking responsibility for teaching how to solve the homework problems. This was my first experience as a Teaching Assistant, although it was unofficial.End of part 4.

    • Amirmasoud Jannat on LinkedIn: Hi everyone,Continuing from my last two posts, I'd like to share more… (13)



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  • Amirmasoud Jannat

    Student at Isfahan University of Technology

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    Hi again,I had to devided this part into two posts. That semester, during the spring of 2021,Dr.Shakeri (soroush shakeri) was our Analytical Mechanics teacher. What I appreciate most about him is that he doesn't just raise students—he cultivates researchers. His teaching methods are rooted in modern approaches to the subject. For our project, I teamed up with my close friends Masih Begheri (masih bagheri), Soroush Soleimani (Soroush S), and Fatemeh Heidari (Fatemeh Heidari). Together, we worked on a project titled “Perseverance: The Mars Rover.”We studied how to transport a rocket carrying a Mars Rover to the red planet. Our research focused on the physics and engineering required for such a mission. We learned how to thrust a vehicle into Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and identified the best, most optimized path to transfer to Mars’ orbit—the Hohmann Transfer Orbit. We also explored how to land the vehicle safely without causing damage.In addition to this, we delved into the engineering tools and techniques necessary for the mission. We also studied “Ingenuity,” the helicopter accompanying Perseverance, examining how it works, the challenges it faces, and potential solutions.In our team, I handled the calculations for transporting the vehicle to LEO and its landing. Masih explained the fundamental physics of spacecraft and calculated the Hohmann transfer orbit. Soroush focused on the engineering aspects of the Mars Rover and the mission's challenges, while Fatemeh presented on how Ingenuity operates.During the project, there were times when we needed to discuss certain issues, collaborate closely, and talk about how our individual contributions intersected—such as determining the optimal height and timing for the Hohmann transfer. Some of our meetings were held at the home of a wonderful woman, Masih’s grandmother. She recently passed away, and reflecting on this project brings back fond memories of her kindness and hospitality. I want to take this moment to send my last respects to her. May she rest in peace.End of part 3.

    • Amirmasoud Jannat on LinkedIn: Hi everyone,Continuing from my last two posts, I'd like to share more… (18)
    • Amirmasoud Jannat on LinkedIn: Hi everyone,Continuing from my last two posts, I'd like to share more… (19)



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  • Amirmasoud Jannat

    Student at Isfahan University of Technology

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    Hi again,Continuing from my last post, I want to share a bit about my experience as a physics student. The first semester,during the fall of 2020, was incredibly exciting. I had only one course in the department: “Physics III,” taught by Dr.Ranjbar (Mehdi Ranjbar). He quickly became the best teacher I had at university.I approached the subject with the curiosity of a child, asking countless "why" questions. Dr. Ranjbar never dismissed my questions. When he knew the answer, he explained it; when he didn’t, he openly admitted it without hesitation. That honesty was invaluable to me.Through him, I learned the importance of being fearless and honest, not just in science, but in all aspects of life.That semester, I was introduced to the “Physics Association of Isfahan University of Technology.” The association hosted various circles where students could present talks on a wide range of topics. One of these circles was the “Classical Physics Circle,” designed especially for newcomers, thanks to Nima Hamed (Nima Hamed), who was the association’s secretary at the time. I was invited to manage that circle, and I gladly accepted the role.I had the opportunity to present at the first official session of the Classical Physics Circle, alongside Nima. The session was divided into two parts: the first part, presented by Nima, covered the history of physics “from Aristotle to particle physics.” The second part was my presentation on “force and the laws of motion.”I introduced some fundamental definitions and posed intriguing questions, such as what mass is and why we still don’t fully understand it. Richard Feynman’s lectures were a great resource for my presentation.Dr. Ranjbar attended that conference, and afterward, I received an email from him. He told me, " Great people start with small steps." His words meant a lot to me—not just because they were a compliment from one of my professors, but because they guided me on a journey of small steps. I interpreted his advice as encouragement to keep moving forward, even if the steps are small.That semester came to an end, and I earned a perfect 4.0 GPA in every subject except programming, where I received a 3.0. This served as a wake-up call for me to improve my programming skills. After that semester, I made it a goal to never score below a 4.0 again, and I succeeded! End of part 2.

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  • Amirmasoud Jannat

    Student at Isfahan University of Technology

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    Hi everyone,I hope you're all doing well. I'm Amirmasoud Jannat, and I recently graduated. I'd like to share some of my experiences and activities from university in a series of posts here. Consider this a snapshot of my journey and an extension of my resume.When the initial entrance exam results were announced, I was eager to choose physics, a field I've always been passionate about. However, my parents encouraged me to apply for mechanical engineering instead. Respecting their wishes, I applied, and when the final results came out, I was accepted into Isfahan University of Technology.Although mechanical engineering wasn’t my first choice and it was my parents’ decision, I was still excited to begin this journey. While working at a post office, I managed to perform well in my midterm exams, nearly scoring full marks in all subjects except engineering drawing. It was during this time that I began to realize that perhaps engineering wasn’t the right fit for me.Instead of giving up, I decided to focus on my studies and aim for high scores in my other subjects. However, living in Iran is full of unexpected challenges. Amid the protests against the Islamic Republic, the government responded as they have for over 40 years (with violence against unarmed citizens). Nowhere felt safe.During this turbulent time, I was called in for interrogation, which unfortunately coincided with my final exams. As a result, I couldn't perform as well as I had hoped.The COVID-19 pandemic hit my country at the start of a new semester. After everything that had happened, I didn't feel like continuing my studies that semester, so I decided to withdraw. I continued working at the post office, where I found joy in helping people and solving their problems.During this time, I had an accident that left my leg and hand seriously injured. Despite this setback, I decided to follow my true passion. I changed my major and became a physics student at Isfahan University of Technology, finally pursuing what I had always wanted.End of part 1.

    • Amirmasoud Jannat on LinkedIn: Hi everyone,Continuing from my last two posts, I'd like to share more… (28)
    • Amirmasoud Jannat on LinkedIn: Hi everyone,Continuing from my last two posts, I'd like to share more… (29)



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  • Amirmasoud Jannat

    Student at Isfahan University of Technology

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    انجمن علمی فیزیک دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان برگزار میکند:📚 حلقه مطالعاتی _physics-¹_🔵 جلسهٔ اولموضوع: تک قطبیهای مغناطیسی👤 ارائه دهنده: امیرمسعود جنت 🗓 تاریخ: پنجشنبه ۹ دی⏳ ساعت: ۷ شب🖥 لینک ورود:🔹«این ارائه پیشنیاز نداشته و برای تمامی علاقهمندان فارغ از سال ورود و رشته تحصیلی، مفید واقع خواهد شد.»🔹لینک گروه حلقه:⚛ انجمن علمی فیزیک دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان ⚛ @physicsiut

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  • Amirmasoud Jannat

    Student at Isfahan University of Technology

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    🎓حلقه مطالعاتی «فیزیک کلاسیک» 🟠جلسه سیزدهم✅عنوان جلسه: مقدمهای بر علم اپتیک📆زمان: پنجشنبه ۱۸ شهریور 🕰ساعت: ۱۸:۰۰🖥لینک ورود:حلقهفیزیککلاسیک

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Amirmasoud Jannat on LinkedIn: Hi everyone,Continuing from my last two posts, I'd like to share more… (40)


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Continuing from my last two posts, I'd like to share more… (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.